Proposal Templates > Proposal for Services 

Proposal for Services

Are you in the service industry and looking for a professional looking service proposal template? We’ve worked hard to create a simple framework for you to put together a persuasive proposal for services. Edit, deliver, and track your proposal, then get approval with built-in eSignatures.   

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I’ve tried soooo many proposal softwares and I’ll never try another one after Proposable. It’s so easy to use and it looks good, which all the others don’t.

Taylor Woodruff

Account Executive,

Smart, reliable, and constantly improving.

Proposable just works. I can make visually interesting sales presentations, dynamically insert content, and execute agreements. Proposable powers our entire sales process.

Brad Wisler

CEO, Periodic

Wow Your Audience

Blow people away with a beautiful proposal that stands out above the rest. Add video and rich-media directly into your proposal pages for a more immersive sales presentation that’s sure to make an impact.

Set Your Prices

Quickly build quotes, bids, and estimates with our flexible estimate block. With optional line-items, optional quantities, taxes, discounts and more, you can quickly represent your products and services in a polished and readable format. Organize all your products and services in the Pricing Catalog for instant recall.

Work With Teammates

Easily collaborate with teammates on proposals. Mention team members to bring them into a proposal, or re-assign ownership when you need to handoff the proposal to another teammate.

Get It Signed

Close the deal faster with integrated e-Signatures. Place signatures, initials, and text field elements throughout your proposal wherever you need prospects to take action and your prospect is guided through a quick acceptance workflow to complete their acceptance. Counter-signing support is also included.

Track Everything

Ever wonder what happens to your proposal after you hit “send”? See detailed analytics and measure how each recipient is interacting with your sales material. Turn on real-time text or email notifications for proposal views and other key events.

Get Your Time Back

Save time and headaches by skipping the painful copy/paste and find & replace on all new proposals for your prospects and customers. Simplify your new proposal workflow to just a few clicks and go from spending hours on customizing new proposals to just minutes with proposal software.

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Whether you’re a freelancer, contractor, or agency, there may come a time when you need to deliver a proposal for services.

Essentially, any project where you need to have somebody sign off on it before you begin requires a proposal for service. The proposal is primarily there for you to show how a series of actions can solve a specific problem.

So, an architectural design proposal will specify very different terms to a B2B business proposal.

Typically, a service proposal will be established between an individual or agency and a B2B service company. They can be made however you like – Canva proposal templates are just as useful as business proposal template word documents. The difference comes in what you’re offering, and how well you want it to be received.

If you are a freelancer, it’s worthwhile looking at some B2B business proposal templates, or business proposal sample documents to get a feel for the information that you want to make sure you include. Remember, a well-written proposal can always be transformed using a creative proposal template, but a carelessly written plan will show itself up.

How to Write a Proposal

All proposal writing should start with reading. Read everything you know about the proposal, the company, what they need, and the available information. Before you write anything, you want to make sure that you are the expert on the situation. Then, any decent guide on how to write a service proposal should make sure that you include these three sections.

When it comes to how to write a proposal, it’s a little bit like asking how to bake a cake. What kind of cake? What size, and shape, and flavor? In precisely this way, when you’re writing a proposal, there are always some simple structural elements that you should include.

Start with information about yourself or your company. This is an opportunity to sell yourself and confirm to whoever is in charge of signing off on your proposal why they should hire you. You may want to specify your qualifications or your experience – but be sure that you tailor your selling points. Fundamentally, the company wants to understand why you are perfect for them – not why you’re perfect in general.

Next, you want to specify that you understand the issue that they’re facing. As a service proposal will typically come off the back of a discussion, it’s important to highlight how you’ve performed your due diligence. This means that you understand the scope of this particular problem, as well as how to fix it.

Finally, you want to include the nitty-gritty details – how are you going to solve the problem, and how much is it going to cost the company.

There’s plenty of information out there about writing business proposals, but the advice will typically come back to the same message. How can your expertise and knowledge convince the person reading the report that you are the best person for the job?

Check out our article on how to write a proposal here to go more in depth on best practices for crafting your own winning proposals.

Business Proposal Format

When it comes to the business proposal format, you must understand the business you’re writing for. Even a short business proposal will need to assist someone who is considering the project as part of a detailed sales process. This means that you need to satisfy a lot of different variables.

This is where your research comes in handy. If you have been sent an RFP – request for proposal – then you should take the time to read it thoroughly and understand what it is that they’re looking for. Where possible, try to speak to someone at the company. This way, you can ensure you understand the aims of the project and what they’re trying to achieve.

As you put together your business proposal, start with an outline. Highlight the significant sections that the RFP has asked for, or the main parts you want to cover. This will keep you on track and concise and helps keep your message at the front of your mind.

If you take a look at a business proposal sample letter or website proposal template, you’ll see that you can often do more with less. Keep your language simple and direct, and don’t hide behind jargon or meaningless words.

That being said, a proposal is an excellent opportunity to let your company’s personality shine. Your main goal in this proposal is to set yourself apart from the competition. Whether that’s through including data and visuals, or stylish typography, make sure that everything in your bid fits your company and your offering.

The typical standard elements of a business proposal template are:

  • Title Page
  • Table of contents
  • Executive summary, or the outline on why you’re the only choice for this project
  • Overview of the problem
  • Recommended services or solutions
  • Qualifications
  • Pricing options
  • Terms and conditions

An often forgotten part of a proposal is ensuring that you put in a call to action. What do you want someone to do when they’ve read it? Do they call you for more information, or do they sign and send it straight back? Often a sense of urgency, or a deadline to act on the proposal, is an excellent way to speed the process along.

And it should go without saying, but use spellcheck. Always use spellcheck.

Design Proposal Template

Whatever way you choose a design proposal definition – whether it’s for branding, logo, product design, webpage design, or illustrations, a design proposal is needed.

A design proposal should come from a designer or design house, off the back of a conversation with a potential client. You should already know what it is that your client is looking for, and will have already warmed up the client when it comes to project and budget expectations. In this case, your design proposal should sum up that conversation.

A design proposal template will typically be a one-page document, broken into five simple sections. As you don’t have to specify all the fine details about your company, it’s crucial to have the confidence to let your proposal speak for itself.

    The five elements of a design proposal template are:

    • Overview of the project, including any agreed outcomes
    • Overview of yourself – it’s essential to write this proposal always assuming that the job isn’t guaranteed and other options are being considered
    • Pricing – don’t undersell yourself, and be sure to break down pricing in a way that makes sense
    • Call to action – lay out the ideal steps you would like the client to take, with a place for them to sign
    • Terms and conditions – while this could be seen as the most daunting part, this is a great way for you to ensure that you and your client understand what is being promised, what is going to be paid, and the terms of the agreement.

    By structuring your design proposal this way, you are creating a useful contract for your client, as well as a clear brief for yourself. The easier you make it for the client to say yes, the better.

    Free Project Proposal Template

    Any project – large or small – should come with a project proposal, and it’s a great idea to get into the habit of writing them whenever necessary. In general, they act as a comfort to both parties to understand what is going to be delivered. In specifics, they can also act as a legal backup should either party fail to deliver.

    Depending on the project you are putting together, you may want to look at specific samples. A small project proposal template is a great way to understand the nuts and bolts of a proposal. In contrast, a student project proposal template or a university project proposal example can show you how they work in your specific field.

    The formatting and layout of a proposal can be anything from a Canva project proposal to a project proposal template in ppt or excel. If you’re looking for an easy way to get started, check out our Project Proposal Template page, which offers you a valuable time saver in building your proposals.

    It’s also worth using templates as an incredible time saver. While the information in your proposals is unique to the company, as you can see from our brief outline of how to write a business proposal example, the building blocks are the same. Using templates allows you to customize to your heart’s content while also staying true to your brand and your styling.

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