Competition is part of human nature. We are born with a desire to win. As children, we compete in games such as red rover, tag, kickball, and musical chairs. As adults, we compete for jobs, promotions, and entrepreneurial opportunities.

For many of us, our own jobs require us to be competitive. If your job happens to be in sales, you’re competing every day to get new business. Because of this, salespeople understand the power of writing a winning proposal. Knowing how to write a proposal is incredibly beneficial because effective proposals can help you convert more highly qualified leads into sales.

Research How To Write A Proposal

Mastering the skill of writing a powerful proposal will provide you with an advantage as you compete for clients and customers. If you have never written a proposal before, be sure to do some research on the various types of proposal templates that exist. Whether you need to learn how to write a proposal letter for a project, how to write a job proposal, how to write a proposal for funding, or how to write a proposal letter for sponsorship, there’s likely a proposal sample you can reference for ideas. It’s advised that you conduct this research beforehand as different industries and organizations have varying requirements for what will need to be included in a proposal.

Creating a proposal template that uses a simple proposal format that can be adjusted and used for a variety of different potential clients without having to reinvent the wheel is a huge time saver. This allows you to have a document in place that outlines everything that needs to be included in the final proposal, as well as basic information that needs to be included in the proposal regardless of the potential client. It’s worth the investment of time to create a proposal letter template in order to save countless hours later that you would otherwise spend creating a new proposal for each and every potential client.

As you’re creating your proposal template, be sure to include specific language that is associated with the industry the potential client is in. For each opportunity, study the organization’s language and tailor your proposal to their verbiage.

How to Write the Proposal Letter

Many businesses need a quick reminder on how to write a proposal PDF if they don’t have an effective proposal template on hand. Finding a business project proposal sample PDF isn’t difficult, but they don’t usually provide you all the tips you need. If you’ve taken the time to create your own proposal template, then your template should already include important pieces of information needed for the project proposal.

One of the pieces that needs to be included in your template is a proposal letter that acts as an executive summary for the proposal. The nature of a proposal letter is professional, but the tone needs to be human. When writing a proposal letter, be sure to clearly address the recipient and state the reason for the proposal. Be sure to always keep your audience in mind so that your proposal is viewed as meaningful, understandable, and formatted correctly. You’ll need to be compelling in your closing in order to convince the recipient to choose your proposal. If you’re wondering how to write a proposal letter, review a proposal letter template Word document or research “how to write a proposal letter PDF” to get an idea of how the language and terminology differ between the letter and the proposal. 

Writing the Proposal

One of the most important aspects of writing a proposal is making sure it will grab the attention of your audience. What you don’t want to do is have your proposal follow a general or boring set of guidelines. Here at Proposable, we know when you’re starting out, it can be very helpful to look at a proposal template online—which is why we offer our own templates for people to use and help those just getting started. However, regardless of your experience writing proposals, your proposal format should have these basic parts:

  • Introduction—Introduce yourself, your company, and how you can meet the prospect’s needs
  • Executive summary—Give the main ideas of your proposal
  • Table of contents—Provide a brief outline, especially if your proposal is long
  • The body—Fill in the details of your proposal, including any limitations or caveats
  • Conclusion—Wrap everything up with clear next steps and a call to action

As mentioned earlier, it’s important that you cater the language used in the proposal to your audience. You may find a research proposal template, a simple project proposal example, or an engineering project proposal sample PDF online that meets the requirements of what you need in your proposal.

But remember, these aesthetically impressive templates don’t excuse you from creating a more formal proposal, which will ideally be built in a proposal software rather than using free research proposal samples. A proposal software like Proposable allows you to tailor a proposal to meet your specific needs as well as deliver the proposal, track progress, gather signatures, and save significant amounts of time in your process. 

Proposals Are Used Everywhere

Grant Proposal Template

Proposals go beyond sales teams. Knowing how to write a proposal for funding can help you raise capital for your company. Academic proposals for grants and research projects have different format requirements and are typically longer legal documents. Learning how to write a job proposal can help you both personally and professionally as you look to advance your own career. There are numerous examples of proposal templates available online, but they often do not fully cover all parts of a proposal, and they frequently do not show how to write a proposal letter for funding or how to write a proposal letter for a job in the most effective ways. 

Searching for terms such as “how to write a policy proposal” and “how to write a job contract proposal” will help you get started by learning the requirements needed for those respective types of proposals. You’ll be able to see the type of language and statistics used which will allow you to better cater your own proposal. 

Proposable is a great resource for proposal templates. If you need a sample proposal for funding non-profit organizations, a funding proposal sample for NGOs, or a new job proposal template, Proposable offers dozens of templates for you to choose from. With our free trial, you can find a sample project proposal for funding and mark it up with your team to ensure all the pertinent information is included. Once you have the best information possible, you can work together to write a convincing letter and proposal and then share it through Proposable, enabling you to track progress all the way through the signature process.