Here’s a quick update on what we’ve been working on over here at Proposable. Also, we wanted to give you a peek into what’s coming really soon. Happy selling!

Freshly-Baked Free Proposal Templates


Check out the latest professionally designed proposal templates. As always, these great industry-specific proposal templates are FREE.

These free templates help you get started quick with a great proposal template and also give you some inspiration as to what’s possible within Proposable. If you have any suggestions for other templates you’d like to see from us, be sure to let us know.

Default Currencies Per Sales Departments

Now you can set currencies for departments based on the location or region of your sales team.

New Sales Team Stats for better Sales Team Tracking

With Sales Team Stats, you will have a clearer picture of your sales outlook and sales team team trends including:

  1. Total sales by time period and Deal Stage. The first metric to track is your sales across a period of time. For example, what are your team’s in-progress deals month to date? See all your deals in their various stages per team member and per department.
  2. Deal Size. It’s important to see all deals and related deal size per salesperson so you can track quotas. Keeping a birds-eye view of all salesperson deals across the deal stages has never been easier.
  3. Average Close Time (ACT). This is particularly useful to get an idea of how each sales rep is doing in general. If you are seeing an average of 15 days across all of your salespeople, this will help you forecast and understand what your future sales will be.
  4. Win Rate. Knowing who your strong leaders are will help you identify which salespeople will lead the pack. You can quickly pick up trends and teach others how to close more deals with historical data.

Features Coming Soon

  • Real-Time Proposals Dashboard View
  • Product Pipeline Report
  • Internal Proposal Notes
  • Enhanced Reporting
  • PDF Enhancements
  • Manager Approval Workflow


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