Tags + Sections Multi Select

Proposable Tags are Here: Now you can “tag” your templates, sections and line-items for quicker recall. You can think of Tags as a simple grouping of items within your library into logical “folders”. To use Tags, login to your library and create a new tag....

Customize Your Proposable Domains

Team accounts can now customize their domains: Proposable Team subscribers now have the option of branding their Proposable domains! For example, instead of having “Yourcompany.Proposable.com”, you can now create a domain that’s connected to your website, like...

New Line Items and Library Redesign

New Line Items Feature We are excited to announce a new feature called “line items”. Line items are a new part of the library that allows you to save and re-use individual products and services and any other “chunks” of content you would like to quickly insert into...

New Signature Acceptance Feature

Updated Acceptance Now with Digital Signature: Recipients can now “sign” their acceptance of your proposals with a real digital signature using their mouse. This feature has been awhile in the making and we are happy to launch it to live to our users. Along with...

Dashboard Redesign & More

New Dashboard Layout: The new dashboard layout is more intuitive and allows you more aptions with a single click. You can now use the “actions” dropdown to quickly edit, delete, archive, save as template, and duplicate proposals with one click.-To view the...