In a recent meeting here in San Francisco, we came up with a pretty neat idea to create a kind of Proposable community called the ‘Water Cooler. This will be a place for us to interview some of our customers and provide some tips and tricks. We hope that you will not only join us, but participate in various ways. Some of our clients have shared some ideas that surprised even us and we’d love to share them with you. Here are some facts about our Water Cooler Series:

  • First one is scheduled for Tuesday April 22, 2014 at 11am PST
  • First Water Cooler meeting is “Tools that Play Nice with Proposable: Webforms
  • We will try to hold them bi-weekly
  • We will have guests co-host them
  • We will cover topics such as: Tips & Tricks, Maximizing Proposable, Proposable Use Cases


This will also be an open forum and will be done via Google Hangouts or Fuzebox (our online meeting tool). Be sure that you follow our blog to learn more about our upcoming Water Cooler webinars. We will try and post it on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn so be sure you are a friend, like us or follow.

Proposable is an online sales proposal tool that helps small business professionals create, track and analyze proposals, quotes and estimates. With over 10,000+ subscribers in over 50 countries worldwide, we’ve focused to become the #1 Online Sales Proposal Software. Get your free trial today:

Online Quoting Software